How To Begin When Communicating With Your Employees During Emergencies

critical communication

In times of crisis and emergencies, effective critical communication is crucial for organisations to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees. One prime example of communication challenges during disasters is the case of Cisco during the Japanese earthquakes. In this blog, we will explore the importance of critical communication, emergency response, and disaster preparedness for companies like Crises Control. Let’s dive in and discover how to handle such situations effectively.

Understanding the Value of Critical Communication

During emergencies, every second counts, and reaching out to employees swiftly is paramount. Critical communication enables organisations to disseminate essential information rapidly, helping employees stay safe and informed. It involves using various channels such as mobile notifications, emails, and voice calls to ensure that the message reaches employees promptly.

Learning from Past Disasters: The Case of Cisco

The Japanese earthquakes served as a stark reminder of the consequences of inadequate communication during crises. Cisco faced challenges in reaching and informing all its employees in time, resulting in confusion and potential risks. This example emphasises the significance of robust emergency communication protocols.

Crafting a Comprehensive Emergency Response Plan

Having a well-designed emergency response plan is vital. It should outline roles and responsibilities, communication methods, and escalation procedures. A well-prepared plan ensures that everyone in the organisation knows what to do when an emergency occurs, minimising chaos and facilitating effective communication.

Integrating Technology for Seamless Communication

In today’s digital age, leveraging technology is crucial to enhance communication during emergencies. Companies like Crises Control offer sophisticated communication platforms that allow instant messaging, real-time updates, and targeted broadcasts. Integrating such tools can significantly improve communication efficiency.

Importance of Disaster Preparedness Training

Effective communication relies on well-prepared employees. Conducting regular disaster preparedness training ensures that staff members are familiar with emergency procedures and communication protocols. Training also helps in fostering a culture of safety and readiness within the organisation.

The Role of Leadership in Crisis Communication

Strong leadership is essential during emergencies. Leaders must convey calmness, provide clear instructions, and demonstrate empathy towards their employees. Their ability to communicate effectively sets the tone for the entire organisation.

Handling Crisis Rumors and Misinformation

During emergencies, rumours and misinformation can spread rapidly, causing panic and confusion. Organisations should have a strategy in place to address and debunk false information promptly. Transparent communication is key to maintaining trust and credibility.

Empowering Employees to Report Emergencies

Encouraging employees to report potential emergencies or hazards fosters a proactive safety culture. Establishing a reporting system that allows employees to share concerns and observations can prevent small issues from escalating into major crises.

The Role of Communication in Business Continuity

Effective communication is not only crucial during the immediate response to emergencies but also for business continuity. Keeping employees informed about recovery efforts and return-to-work plans is essential for a smooth transition back to regular operations.

The Power of Collaboration and Information Sharing

During emergencies, collaboration is key. Organisations should have a centralised communication platform that allows different teams to share information and updates seamlessly. This ensures that all stakeholders are on the same page and working towards a common goal.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Communication

After any emergency, it’s essential to evaluate the effectiveness of the communication strategy. Analysing the response, identifying areas for improvement, and making necessary adjustments contribute to the continuous enhancement of the emergency communication plan.

Preparing for Future Emergencies

As the world continues to face various risks, it’s essential for organisations to stay proactive. Regularly updating the emergency response plan and investing in the latest communication technologies can better prepare companies for future emergencies.


In conclusion, effective communication is the lifeline during emergencies. Companies like Crises Control understand the importance of critical communication, emergency response, and disaster preparedness. Learning from past incidents like Cisco’s challenges in reaching its employees during the Japanese earthquakes emphasises the need for robust emergency communication protocols. By integrating technology, conducting regular training, and fostering a culture of safety, organisations can ensure that they are well-prepared to handle any crisis that comes their way. 

Don’t wait for a crisis to test your emergency communication system. Experience the power of Crises Control and ensure your organisation’s safety and well-being during emergencies. Request a live demo or get in touch with our experts today.