Employee Safety Tech: Could the Right Tool Make Your Workplace Safer?

employee safety

Safety at work isn’t just about compliance; it’s a crucial factor in the overall wellbeing of your employees and the success of your organisation. Only 58% of employees think their physical safety is actually being prioritised by their employer. Recent advancements in safety tech show promising ways to further enhance safety protocols, providing innovative solutions to age-old problems.

The Importance of Employee Safety in the Modern Workplace

Employees are the backbone of any organisation. Ensuring employee safety is not only a moral obligation but a legal one. The disconnect between employees’ expectations and employers’ actions towards safety, with 41% of employees having left an organisation because of unsafe conditions, highlights the imperative need for attention in this area. Beyond compliance, a safe working environment fosters a culture of trust and efficiency, positively impacting productivity.

A Brief Teaser on the Right Tools

What if we could predict an accident before it happens? Or get real-time insights into workplace safety? The right tools might hold the key to unlocking these potentials. Let’s delve into the world of safety tech.

Overview of Common Workplace Hazards

Understanding the dangers within your workplace is essential. This includes:

  • Physical Hazards: Proper maintenance routines and safety checks are vital to prevent risks. Regular training can also help ensure that employees are aware of potential dangers, especially in light of the 4,764 workers who died on the job in the US in 2020.
  • Chemical Hazards: Exposure to toxic substances that can cause immediate or long-term health issues. Proper storage, handling, and disposal are crucial to mitigate these risks. Employee education on handling these substances can further ensure employee safety.
  • Biological Hazards: Such as bacteria and viruses, which can spread illnesses among employees. Implementing proper hygiene practices, providing personal protective equipment (PPE), and regularly disinfecting areas can mitigate these risks.
  • Ergonomic Hazards: Including repetitive strain injuries caused by improper workstations or repetitive motions that can lead to long-term health problems. Regular evaluations of workstations and educating employees on proper ergonomics can help prevent these issues.

Traditional Safety Measures and Their Limitations

Traditional safety measures have their place but often fall short:

  • Limited Real-time Response: Traditional methods often react to incidents rather than predict them, leading to slower response times and potentially more harm. Adopting technologies that offer real-time monitoring can significantly enhance responsiveness and reduce risks.
  • Lack of Customisation: A one-size-fits-all approach rarely fits all businesses, leading to gaps in safety measures that might not fully address specific needs. Collaborating with experts to develop customised employee safety measures can lead to more targeted and effective safety protocols.
  • Resource Intensive: Implementing and maintaining traditional employee safety measures can be costly in both time and money. Leveraging technological solutions can save both resources, providing streamlined and efficient safety management without compromising efficacy.

The Need for Innovative Solutions

As businesses grow and evolve, so must safety measures. Innovative safety tech provides:

  • Real-time Insights: Monitoring and responding to issues as they arise, providing immediate action to prevent further damage or injury. These insights empower decision-makers to act quickly, potentially saving lives and reducing financial losses.
  • Custom Solutions: Tailoring specific solutions to fit individual workplace needs, enhancing effectiveness, and reducing unnecessary costs. These customised solutions can address unique challenges and provide more robust employee safety measures tailored to your organisation’s specific needs.
  • Cost-effective: Often more affordable in the long run, with automated systems reducing the need for constant manual monitoring. These solutions not only reduce costs but often enhance employee safety, providing more accurate and timely responses to potential issues.

Discussion of Various Technologies

Available safety tech ranges from simple apps to complex systems, including:

  • Wearables: These devices can monitor vital signs, location, and environmental factors, providing real-time information to both employees and supervisors for immediate action. They can be customised to specific needs, ensuring relevant and timely information. Wearables foster a proactive safety culture, engaging employees in their own safety.
  • AI and Machine Learning: Can predict accidents by analysing trends, allowing for preventative measures to be put in place before incidents occur. This predictive ability takes employee safety to a new level, moving from reaction to prevention, potentially saving both lives and resources.
  • VR for Training: Virtual Reality can create realistic training scenarios, offering a more engaging and effective training experience without real-world risks. This immersive experience can enhance understanding and retention, leading to more skilled and confident employees.

How Technology Can Bridge the Gap

Technology offers solutions where traditional measures may fall short:

  • Predictive Analytics: Catch issues before they become problems, leveraging data to make smarter, more proactive decisions. This forward-thinking approach empowers organisations to act before incidents occur, improving overall employee safety.
  • Accessibility: Access vital safety information on the go, ensuring that safety tools and information are always at employees’ fingertips. This constant accessibility enhances responsiveness and allows for immediate action, regardless of location or time.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate with existing systems and processes, allowing for a smoother transition and more cohesive safety management. Integration fosters a holistic approach to employee safety, ensuring that all parts of the organisation are working together toward a common goal.

Examples of Successful Implementations

Some real-world implementations demonstrate the effectiveness of safety tech:

  • Smart Sensors: Used in manufacturing to prevent equipment failure. Sensors can detect issues early, allowing for maintenance before breakdowns, reducing downtime, and enhancing safety. This proactive approach can save significant resources and help maintain a consistent workflow.
  • Mobile Apps: Providing instant access to safety manuals and emergency procedures. Apps can offer step-by-step guidance during an incident, potentially saving lives. Having this critical information at hand ensures that employees can act quickly and effectively during a crisis helping ensure employee safety by the employer.

Finding the Right Tool for Your Workplace

Factors to Consider

Choosing safety tech requires a holistic approach, considering:

  • Industry-Specific Needs: Different industries have different requirements. A manufacturing company will have different needs than a healthcare provider, so solutions must be tailored accordingly. Engaging with industry-specific experts can help ensure the selection of the most relevant and effective solutions.
  • Size of the Organisation: The solutions must scale with your business. Small businesses may need more streamlined solutions, while large corporations may require more comprehensive systems. Understanding the scalability of different solutions can ensure a perfect fit for your organisation’s needs and budget.
  • Specific Risks: Tailor to your specific risks and challenges. Understanding your unique risks allows you to choose solutions that directly address those needs. A comprehensive risk assessment, including potential future risks, can guide the selection process, ensuring a more effective employee safety approach.

Comparison of Different Tools and Technologies

Understanding your options is crucial:

  • Wearables vs. Sensors: Consider what information is vital for your situation. Wearables might be suitable for individual monitoring, while sensors could be better for equipment or environmental monitoring. Understanding the specific needs and goals of your safety programme will guide this choice.
  • Cloud vs. On-Premises: Assess your data storage and accessibility needs. Cloud solutions offer remote access and reduced IT burden, while on-premises might offer more control and security. A clear understanding of data requirements and security concerns will help determine the best option for your organisation.
  • Subscription vs. One-Time Purchase: Weigh the financial implications. Subscription models may offer ongoing support and updates, while one-time purchases may reduce ongoing costs. Consideration of budget, support needs, and long-term goals will guide this decision, ensuring that you get the most from your investment.


The alarming statistics, such as an estimated 2.78 million workers dying from occupational accidents and work-related diseases each year, and an additional 374 million workers suffering from non-fatal occupational accidents, underscore the urgent need to prioritise employee safety. Leveraging technology and aligning it with organisational needs and industry-specific requirements can play a vital role in creating a safer work environment. By implementing these tools, organisations can take a significant step towards bridging the gap between employee expectations and employer actions in prioritising employee safety.

If you’re ready to take the next step in securing your workplace, we invite you to request a live demo or get in touch with an expert to explore how Crises Control can customise a solution that fits your unique needs. Don’t be part of the statistics; be part of the solution.