AlertMedia Alternative: A Detailed Comparison for Crisis Communication

AlertMedia Alternative

AlertMedia Alternative: Finding the Right Crisis Communication Platform

Written by Sonny Sehgal | Board Member

In today’s unpredictable world, organisations of all sizes need a reliable mass notification system to navigate crises effectively. These systems, also known as crisis communication platforms, ensure critical information reaches stakeholders quickly during emergencies. But with numerous options available, choosing the right one can be overwhelming.

This blog post delves into a detailed comparison between AlertMedia and Crises Control. We’ll explore their core functionalities, strengths, and considerations to help you make an informed decision for your organisation’s crisis preparedness needs.

Understanding Mass Notification Software

Mass notification software allows organisations to disseminate critical information to large groups of people during emergencies. This communication can take various forms, including:

  • SMS text messages: Reach a wide audience instantly, ensuring even those without internet access receive updates.
  • Voice calls: Deliver pre-recorded or live messages directly to phone numbers.
  • Email notifications: Provide detailed information and resources via email.
  • Mobile app push notifications: Reach users on their smartphones for immediate updates.
  • Desktop alerts: Send pop-up notifications on employee computers.

Choosing the Right Mass Notification Software: A Feature-by-Feature Comparison


Here’s a breakdown of key features offered by both AlertMedia and Crises Control on SoftwareReviews:

Crises ControlEmotional Footprint OverviewAlertMedia
100%Product Experience88%
98%Negotiation & Contract75%
99%Conflict Resolution88%
99%Strategy & Innovation73%
96%Service Experience90%
94%Likeliness to Recommend78%
100%Plan to Renew97%
87%Satisfaction of Cost Relative to Value75%
7.9Total rating out of 107.0


Here’s a breakdown of key features offered by both AlertMedia and Crises Control on Capterra:

Crises ControlAverage Score out of 5AlertMedia
4.9Ease of Use4.8
5.0Customer Service4.9
4.9Value for Money4.7

Choosing the Best Fit: Considerations Beyond Features

While features play a crucial role, other factors deserve consideration when choosing a mass notification software:

  • Industry-Specific Needs: Certain industries like healthcare or education might have specific compliance requirements or communication preferences. Evaluate if the software aligns with your industry’s unique needs.
  • Scalability: Consider your organisation’s size and potential for growth. Choose a platform that can scale to accommodate your future needs.
  • Integration Capabilities: Does the platform integrate with your existing emergency management systems or communication tools? Seamless integration streamlines workflows and improves response times.
  • Budget: Mass notification software pricing varies depending on features, user count, and deployment options. Evaluate your budget and choose a vendor offering the best value for your needs.

Crises Control’s Value Proposition for Different Organisations

Crises Control offers a unique value proposition for various organisations:

  • For Large Enterprises: Crises Control’s scalability ensures smooth operation across geographically dispersed locations. Its robust reporting and analytics empower leadership to track response effectiveness and refine protocols continuously.
  • For Educational Institutions: The platform’s user-friendly interface and features like targeted messaging ensure clear communication with students, parents, and staff during emergencies.
  • For Healthcare Organisations: Compliance with HIPAA regulations is crucial. Crises Control’s secure communication channels ensure sensitive patient information is protected during emergencies.

AlertMedia Alternative: The Crises Control Advantage

Beyond the feature set, Crises Control offers a distinct advantage: its focus on proactive crisis management. Here’s how Crises Control equips organisations to go beyond reactive communication and build crisis resilience:

  • Incident Management: Crises Control facilitates a structured approach to incident management. The platform streamlines processes for reporting, investigating, and resolving incidents, minimising downtime and ensuring a swift return to normalcy.
  • Business Continuity Planning: Crises Control integrates seamlessly with existing business continuity plans. The platform empowers organisations to document procedures, assign roles, and ensure everyone understands their responsibilities during a crisis.
  • Employee Training & Preparedness: Crises Control offers training resources and tools to prepare employees for potential emergencies. This proactive approach empowers employees to respond calmly and efficiently during a crisis, minimising confusion and ensuring everyone acts in accordance with established protocols.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: The platform fosters real-time collaboration between internal teams and external stakeholders during a crisis. This ensures everyone has access to the latest information, enabling a unified response effort.
  • Crisis War Gaming: Crisis Control takes preparation a step further with built-in crisis war gaming functionalities. Imagine simulating a cyberattack or a natural disaster within the platform itself. You can create a scenario, assign roles to participants, and inject real-time complications to mimic the chaos of a real crisis. This allows your team to test your response plan, identify weaknesses in communication or procedures, and refine your approach in a safe, controlled environment. Crisis war gaming exposes potential problems before a real crisis strikes, ensuring your organisation is better prepared to respond effectively.

By incorporating these features, Crises Control empowers organisations to move beyond reactive communication and build a culture of proactive crisis management. This proactive approach translates to faster response times, minimised disruption, and ultimately, a more resilient organisation.

In Conclusion

While both AlertMedia and Crises Control are strong contenders in the mass notification software landscape, Crises Control stands out with its focus on proactive crisis management. Its advanced features, combined with a commitment to user-centric design and exceptional customer support, make it a compelling choice for organisations seeking to build resilience and navigate emergencies effectively.

Remember, in today’s ever-evolving world, being prepared for the unexpected is paramount. Take control of your organisation’s crisis readiness – explore Crises Control today!


1. What are the benefits of using mass notification software?

Mass notification software allows organisations to quickly and efficiently send critical information to large groups of people during emergencies. This can help to minimise confusion, ensure everyone is aware of the situation, and promote a faster and more coordinated response. It offers various communication channels like SMS text, voice calls, emails, and mobile app notifications to reach a wide audience.

2. What are some key considerations when choosing a mass notification software?

While features are important, consider other factors like industry needs, scalability for your organisation’s size, integration capabilities with existing systems, and budget.

3. What is the difference between AlertMedia and Crises Control?

Both are strong contenders, but Crises Control focuses on proactive crisis management. It offers features like incident management, business continuity planning, employee training, and crisis war gaming to help organisations prepare for emergencies before they strike.

4. Who can benefit from Crises Control?

Crises Control is a valuable tool for organisations of all sizes. Its scalability makes it suitable for large enterprises with geographically dispersed locations. The user-friendly interface and targeted messaging features are helpful for educational institutions.