How Crises Control Streamlines Your Emergency Response Plan and Evacuation Process

Emergency Response Plan

Written by Shalen Sehgal | CEO

Every organisation, regardless of size or industry, faces the potential for emergencies. From natural disasters like fires and floods to man-made incidents such as security breaches or equipment failures, being prepared is paramount. A well-defined emergency response plan coupled with a comprehensive evacuation process forms the cornerstone of effective crisis management. Here’s how Crises Control empowers organisations to not only establish these critical procedures, but also continuously test, monitor, and improve them.

The High Cost of Inadequate Emergency Preparedness

Imagine a scenario – a fire alarm blares through your office building. Panic ensues as employees scramble for the exits.  Signage is unclear, designated exits are congested, and valuable time is wasted due to the absence of a clear communication strategy. This is the unfortunate reality for organisations lacking a robust emergency response plan and evacuation process.

The consequences of inadequate preparation are far-reaching:

  • Loss of life and injuries: Delayed evacuations put people at risk.
  • Property damage: Prompt response can minimise damage to your property.
  • Business disruption: Downtime due to incidents translates to lost revenue.
  • Reputational damage: News of poorly handled emergencies can erode public trust.
  • Legal ramifications: Non-compliance with safety regulations can lead to hefty fines or worse.

Investing in a comprehensive emergency response plan and evacuation process is an investment in your organisation’s future. It fosters a culture of safety, minimises risks, and ensures a coordinated response during critical moments.

Building a Bulletproof Emergency Response Plan with Crises Control

Crises Control empowers organisations to construct a watertight emergency response plan that addresses every aspect of emergency preparedness. Our user-friendly platform streamlines the process, guiding you through each crucial step.

  • Risk Assessment: Identify potential threats specific to your location, industry, and operations. Crises Control offers comprehensive risk assessment tools to pinpoint vulnerabilities.
  • Plan Development: Crises Control’s pre-built templates provide a framework for crafting a customised emergency response plan that aligns with your organisation’s unique needs. These templates encompass various emergency scenarios and response protocols.
  • Communication Strategy: Ensure clear and concise communication during emergencies. Crises Control facilitates the development of a communication plan that outlines how critical information will be disseminated to employees, stakeholders, and first responders.
  • Resource Allocation: Determine the resources needed to effectively manage an emergency, including personnel, equipment, and external support services. Crises Control allows you to assign roles and responsibilities within the response plan, ensuring everyone knows their part.
  • Training and Drills: Regular training sessions and drills are essential for employee preparedness and familiarisation with the response plan. Crises Control’s platform facilitates the creation and scheduling of training programs and drills.

Here’s a closer look at some of Crises Control’s functionalities that enhance emergency response plan development:

  • Incident Management: Our platform provides a centralised hub for managing emergency incidents of all scales. Real-time updates, task allocation, and communication tools ensure a coordinated response effort.
  • Collaboration Tools: Crises Control fosters seamless collaboration among emergency response teams and key decision-makers. Instant messaging, file sharing, and conference calling features keep everyone on the same page.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Crises Control helps you track and analyse emergency response data. This data provides valuable insights for identifying areas for improvement and strengthening your ERP over time.

Crises Control goes beyond simply creating an emergency response plan, it empowers you to breathe life into it.

Evacuation Process: Leading Your Team to Safety

Emergency Response Plan

A well-defined evacuation process forms a critical component of your overall emergency preparedness strategy.  Crises Control equips you with the tools to establish a clear, efficient, and safe evacuation protocol:

  • Mapping and Signage: Crises Control facilitates the creation of evacuation maps and floor plans that clearly illustrate designated exits, assembly points, and safe zones.
  • Accessibility Considerations: The platform ensures your evacuation process caters to individuals with disabilities, outlining alternative evacuation routes and procedures.
  • Assembly points: Crises Control aids in establishing designated assembly points for post-evacuation headcounts and team consolidation.

Crises Control goes beyond the basics, providing features that elevate the effectiveness of your evacuation process:

  • Real-time Tracking: The platform allows you to track employee locations during an evacuation, enabling a targeted headcount and ensuring everyone has reached safety.
  • Two-way Communication: Crises Control facilitates real-time communication during evacuations. Issue evacuation orders, provide updates, and locate missing personnel, all through a centralized platform.
  • Data-driven Improvement: Analyse evacuation data gleaned from Crises Control to pinpoint bottlenecks and areas for improvement in your evacuation procedures.

Crises Control empowers you to orchestrate a seamless and efficient evacuation, minimising confusion and maximising safety during critical moments.

Here are some additional functionalities that distinguish Crises Control when it comes to evacuation planning:

  • Scalability: Crises Control adapts to organisations of all sizes and complexities. Whether you manage a single-story office or a multi-building campus, our platform accommodates your unique evacuation needs.
  • Integration Capabilities: Crises Control seamlessly integrates with existing security systems, fire alarms, and mass notification tools. This streamlined approach triggers automated actions during emergencies, saving valuable time in the evacuation process.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Crises Control offers a mobile app that empowers employees to access critical evacuation information and receive updates in real-time, even during a power outage.

Beyond the Plan: Testing, Monitoring, and Continuous Improvement

An emergency response plan and evacuation process are living documents that require constant evaluation and refinement. Crises Control equips you with the tools to ensure your plans stay effective. 

Conduct realistic evacuation drills using our platform to simulate various emergency scenarios and identify weaknesses in your plan and employee preparedness. Crises Control also facilitates the creation and delivery of ongoing emergency preparedness training programs. This combination of scenario testing and regular training sessions ensures employees retain critical information, remain comfortable with the evacuation process, and allows you to track participation rates and analyse drill data for targeted improvements.


Crises Control empowers you to foster a culture of safety within your organisation.  By establishing a robust response plan, implementing a clear evacuation process, and employing ongoing testing and refinement, you equip your team to navigate emergencies with confidence and minimise potential risks.

Crises Control is your one-stop solution for crafting a bulletproof emergency response plan and a seamless evacuation process.  Contact us today to schedule a free personalised demo and discover how Crises Control can empower your organisation to be prepared for any eventuality.


1.  What are the biggest challenges organisations face when it comes to emergency preparedness?

Many organisations struggle to develop a comprehensive emergency response plan that addresses all potential threats. Additionally, ensuring clear communication, proper employee training, and conducting regular drills to test and refine the plan can be time-consuming and complex. Crises Control offers a user-friendly platform with pre-built templates, training tools, and communication functionalities to streamline this process.

2.  How can Crises Control help with the evacuation process?

Crises Control goes beyond just creating evacuation maps. Our platform facilitates the creation of clear evacuation plans with designated exits, assembly points, and accessible routes. Additionally, we offer real-time tracking during evacuations, two-way communication features, and mobile app access for employees, ensuring a smooth and efficient evacuation process.

3.  Why are ongoing testing and refinement crucial for emergency preparedness?

An emergency response plan and evacuation process are not static documents. Regularly testing your plans through drills helps identify weaknesses in employee preparedness and plan functionality. Crises Control allows you to conduct scenario-based drills, analyse drill data, and track participation rates. This continuous evaluation ensures your plan remains effective and adapts to changing circumstances.

4.  What are the benefits of using Crises Control for emergency preparedness?

Crises Control offers a comprehensive solution for building a robust response plan and evacuation process. Our platform streamlines plan development, facilitates training and drills, and provides real-time communication and data analysis tools.  By using Crises Control, you can foster a culture of safety within your organisation, minimise risks, and ensure a coordinated response during emergencies.

5.  How can I get started with Crises Control?

Crises Control offers a free personalised demo to showcase the functionalities of our platform. Contact us today to schedule your demo and discover how Crises Control can empower your organisation to be prepared for any emergency.