Navigating Crisis Communication: The Don’ts, Dos, and How-Tos

crisis communication

Businesses often feel lost when faced with a crisis, not knowing how to communicate effectively. Yet, here’s a standout fact: 98% of leaders who used their crisis communication plans found them effective, and 77% even labelled them as ‘very effective’. The key to this confidence? A solid communication strategy powered by the right software. This blog sheds light on how Crises Control can be that essential tool in your crisis management toolkit.

The importance of crisis communication

Consider a scenario where information disseminates at the speed of light, and the reputation of a company is perpetually on a tightrope. Within this dynamic landscape, an agile, transparent, and timely crisis communication is less of an option and more of a necessity. It serves as the guiding compass, directing public perception, mitigating potential backlash, and fortifying the trust edifice. So, how can one ensure this compass remains unerring?

The Don’ts: Common Pitfalls in Crisis Communication

Navigating the realm of crisis communication necessitates the avoidance of certain pitfalls that have, in the past, been the undoing of even the most established brands.

Lack of Transparency

Obfuscation or ambiguity can spell disaster. Authenticity forms the bedrock of stakeholder trust. Sugar-coating, evading, or attempting to sweep issues under the rug seldom work in a world where information is just a click away. In fact, research indicates that transparent handling of crises often accelerates recovery and fortifies stakeholder trust.

Delay in Response

Time, they say, is of the essence. In a world dominated by digital communication, even minor delays can be catastrophically magnified. Being the primary, credible source of information should be the gold standard. Respond swiftly and authentically, or risk losing control of the narrative.

Ignoring Stakeholders

Whether it’s an investor, an employee, a partner, or a customer, each stakeholder is a pillar supporting your organisation’s reputation. Disregarding their concerns or leaving them out of the loop can culminate in a domino effect of negative repercussions.

Using Complex Jargon

Clarity is paramount, especially in high-stress crisis situations. Baffling your audience with industry-specific terminologies or convoluted language can only alienate them further. Aim for simplicity, lucidity, and resonance in all crisis communication.

Overlooking Feedback

The digital age offers a two-way communication street. Stakeholder feedback, especially in the era of social media, provides invaluable insights. Embracing this feedback can fine-tune strategies, maintain relevance, and reinforce connections.

The Dos: Essential Principles for Effective Crisis Communication

Understanding pitfalls is merely one side of the coin. Let’s flip it to unveil proactive strategies that accentuate effective crisis communication.


A stitch in time saves nine, as the adage goes. Being proactive can be the game-changer in crisis management. Having a well-drilled crisis response team, established communication protocols, and real-time monitoring tools can be the difference between timely intervention and damage control. Tip: Embrace digital monitoring tools that offer alerts for emerging crises.


Honesty might be a virtue, but in crisis management, it’s a mandate. By openly sharing both the highs and the lows, you not only respect your stakeholder’s intelligence but also cement their trust. Regular updates, even if the news isn’t entirely positive, can be invaluable.


A monologue, no matter how articulate, is no substitute for a dialogue. Engage your stakeholders, solicit their feedback, and demonstrate that their voice matters. In today’s interconnected world, platforms ranging from social media to webinars facilitate this two-way conversation.


A consistent narrative offers assurance, clarity, and reliability. Whether you’re sending out a press release, crafting a social media post, or addressing employees, consistent messaging reinforces trust. Designate official spokespersons and ensure they’re on the same page.


No two crises are identical. A dynamic, flexible strategy that’s receptive to feedback and evolving scenarios is indispensable. Regularly review and, if necessary, recalibrate your crisis communication plan to ensure its relevance and efficacy.

The How-Tos: Implementing Effective Crisis Communication with Crises Control

To successfully navigate the “do’s” and sidestep the “don’ts” in crisis communication, it’s paramount to have a robust tool ensuring seamless communication for businesses. This tool should be well-equipped to facilitate a smooth journey during turbulent times. Crises Control stands as a leading contender in this arena. Let’s delve into how Crises Control’s features can be a game-changer for your organisation.

Interactive Dashboard

It’s not just about viewing data; it’s about drawing insights. The interactive dashboard is your control centre, providing an overview of all communication channels. Imagine having the power to assess message impact, monitor real-time sentiments, and finetune your strategies, all from one central platform. Not only does this provide clarity but its intuitive design ensures that you’re never lost amidst the numbers.

Two-Way Communication:

Instant Conference Calls: In moments of crisis, every second counts. Now, imagine being able to instantly convene your team, discuss issues, or disseminate information at the touch of a button. It’s not about just talking; it’s about ensuring your voice, your narrative, is the one that stands out in the cacophony.

Multiple Access Points: Your stakeholders could be anywhere, from the bustling heart of the city to a remote corner of the world. With Crises Control, geographical boundaries blur. Ensuring everyone, regardless of location or device, stays informed, connected, and ready to act.

Robust Infrastructure: The true mettle of a system is tested in adversity. Even if other IT systems buckle under pressure, Crises Control remains resolute, ensuring that your critical messages navigate smoothly, without hitting any digital roadblocks.

Crisis Wargaming and CMT Simulations:

Immersive Learning: Beyond the confines of traditional training, Crises Control plunges teams into hyper-realistic crisis scenarios. It’s about feeling the pressure, making decisions on the fly, and learning in an environment that mimics reality, thereby embedding knowledge far deeper than conventional methods.

Scenario Analysis: A proactive approach to crisis management often wins the day. Dive deep, challenge your preconceptions, pick apart potential crises, and collectively craft strategies that stand the test of adversity.

Exploratory Engagement: What better way to prepare than to simulate? Without any tangible risks, these ‘What if?’ scenarios allow you to experience, adapt, and perfect your response, ensuring when the real challenge comes, you’re not just ready, you’re ahead.

Customisation and Integration:

Tailored Setup: Every organisation is unique, carrying its distinct DNA. Crises Control appreciates this uniqueness, moulding itself to fit your specific needs, ensuring you’re not adapting to it, but rather, it’s adapting to you.

Integration Capabilities: A crisis demands all hands on deck, and that includes your digital tools. With Crises Control’s seamless integration feature, it collaborates with your existing business tools, ensuring harmony, synchronicity, and swift action when it matters most.


Navigating crisis communication is crucial for every business, big or small. This journey is marked with essential dos, like ensuring promptness and transparency, and crucial don’ts, such as avoiding unnecessary jargon or neglecting stakeholders. However, understanding these principles is just half the battle; implementing them seamlessly is where the real challenge lies. That’s where tools like Crises Control step in, offering a reliable helping hand to guide businesses through turbulent times, ensuring that they adhere to the best practices.

Would you like to see how your business can benefit from an expert solution? Reach out to us to request a live demo, or for any questions you might have, Contact us today. Let’s make your crisis communication journey smoother together.