Business resilience and the threat from data breaches and the GDPR

BCI Business Continuity Awareness Week 2018

I am delighted to let you know that I will be hosting a webinar, for the BCI Business Continuity Awareness Week 2018, on the subject of business resilience and the threat from data breaches and the GDPR.

It is well known that the threat from cyber attacks continues to grow and is now the number one risk issue for most CEOs, CIOs and CTOs. According to the BCI Horizon Scan 2017, the top two perceived threats for respondents are number one cyber attacks and number two data breaches.

This concern is well founded, according to the Information Security Breaches Survey carried out for the UK government, there has been an increase in the number of both large and small organizations experiencing information security breaches, with a staggering 90% of large organisations and 74% of small firms suffering a breach in the last 12 months.

Data breaches have many costs to business, including the possibility of paying compensation to customers who have been affected and the damage to reputation. But in addition to these costs, all organisations, whether commercial or not, now need to urgently consider the fast approaching EU GDPR enforcement deadline of 25 May 2018.

It is important to remember that 25 May 2018 is not the start of the GDPR, but the final date in a two year transition phase from which the regulations surrounding the Directive will begin to be enforced. If you have not ensured your compliance already you need to start thinking about it right now.

The webinar I will be hosting on 15 May will examine the growing threat of data breach, the new level of threat posed by the GDPR, and what actions can be taken immediately to improve business resilience in the face of this threat.

Businesses who have not planned to properly comply with the data handling principles of the GDPR and the consequences of data breaches are risking their business. This is why Crises Control has launched its regulatory compliance solution to help all organisations with GDPR compliance issues.

We have also produced a free white paper Keep Your Business Safe from Regulatory Fines that is available for download.

You can register for the webinar here and I look forward to talking to you on 15 May.

Shalen Sehgal
Director of Business Development