CIR Magazine Risk Management Awards 2020 shortlisted for Crises Control

CIR Magazine Risk Management Awards 2020 shortlisted for Crises Control

The CIR Magazine Risk Management Awards 2020 celebrate excellence in the field of risk management and are the pinnacle of achievement in the field – recognising the best people, products and programmes in risk management for a decade.

The shortlisting of Crises Control in the categories of Risk Management Product of the Year and Risk Management Specialist Company of the Year 2020 demonstrates our commitment to success in both product development and customer success.

In response to the good news, Shalen Sehgal, Managing Director of Crises Control, said:

“To be shortlisted in this leading awards competition is further recognition of the progress that the Crises Control team continues to make. They cap a difficult but ultimately successful year for us during which we have pressed on through the Covid-19 lockdown to grow our customer base by over 150%.”

Good luck to the team, the winners will be announced on 11 November 2020.

Crises Control is a critical incident notification and management platform, built around a core crisis communications tool that provides an emergency mass notification capability for critical events.


Sunday Times article on Business Continuity and Growth Report.