Crises Control shortlisted for Business Continuity Awards 2017

Crises Control shortlisted for Business Continuity Awards 2017

I am delighted to announce that Crises Control, the mass notification, multi-channel, business continuity platform and crisis response solution, has been shortlisted for the prestigious Business Continuity Awards 2017, in the Cloud Based Services Category.

This is recognition of the hard work and design excellence that we have put into making Crises Control an innovative and unique solution in the field of business continuity planning. Our aim is to simplify the business of managing disasters and disaster simulation at a cost that every business can afford.

Crises Control is a business continuity tool whose fundamental design is based around the opportunities offered by the cloud to enhance business resilience.

  • Firstly, it provides cloud hosted storage and uses the Software-as-a-Service model to ensure that the service is always available, even when the customer’s own IT networks are out of action or inaccessible.
  • Secondly, it makes use of cloud telecommunications platform, Twilio, to support our global multi-channel communications.
  • Thirdly, Crises Control, unlike most of its competitors, is fundamentally designed around its mobile application, which allows an entire incident to be managed from a mobile device.

Crises Control is already the holder of the title of Most Innovative Product of the Year in the Business Continuity Awards 2016 and we hope to do the double by winning the Cloud Based Services category in 2017. We are not a company to rest on our laurels and we are about to launch a number of new innovative features to build upon the success of our existing platform.

The winners of the BC Awards 2017 will be announced on 8 June at a gala dinner at the London Marriott Hotel, Grosvenor Square.

Rickie Sehgal