The Importance of Incident Data Collection in Preventing Business Crises

Business Crises

Business crises are more common than we’d like. They can be caused by anything from a supply chain disruption to a customer complaint to a technical glitch. How you handle these incidents can make or break your long-term success.

Many businesses take a “goodwill” approach to incident response, but this is not sustainable in the long run. The key to building resilience and preventing business crises is to collect and analyze incident data. In this blog post, we will explore the power of data-driven incident management and how it can help you fortify your business against potential crises.

The Challenge of ‘Goodwill’ Incident Resolution Approach

Every day, businesses face disruptions, from minor hiccups to more critical issues. Teams often address these incidents quickly and efficiently, but they often don’t spend time analyzing what went wrong or what led to the resolution. This “goodwill” approach is unsustainable as businesses grow and become more complex.

There needs to be a systematic approach to resolving incidents in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness, and to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. A systematic approach involves following a defined process for identifying, prioritizing, and resolving incidents. It also involves collecting and analyzing data from incidents to identify trends and patterns.

The benefits of a systematic approach to resolving incidents include: reduced incident resolution time, improved incident resolution quality, reduced number of recurring incidents, improved communication and collaboration between teams, increased visibility into incident trends and patterns, and improved business resilience.

By adopting a systematic approach to resolving incidents, businesses can improve their overall operational efficiency and effectiveness, and reduce the impact of disruptions on their business.

The Pitfalls of Ignoring Incident Data

Rapidly resolving incidents may seem harmless, but it can have negative consequences. Even if these incidents don’t significantly impact your KPIs, they consume valuable time and effort that your teams could better spend on structural improvements and overall efficiency.

The deeper problem is that when you don’t collect incident data, you lose the clues that can lead to solutions for larger systemic issues. Without data, it’s difficult to identify areas for process improvement, potential automations, or even additional staffing needs. In other words, a lack of data-driven incident management can lead to burnout, mistakes, and oversights as your business grows.

Embracing Data-Driven Incident Approach in Business Crises

So, what’s the solution? Data-driven incident approach is the key. It’s about using data as the linchpin of your incident resolution process. Here’s how it works:

Complete Incident Overview

Teams that excel in data-driven incident management have a complete overview of all disruptions in their business. They understand not just what happened but also who resolved the incident, the steps taken, the response time, and the outcome. This comprehensive understanding provides invaluable insights, such as how much time day-to-day incident management consumes or which issues could benefit from automation.

Spotting Frequent Issues

Armed with data, teams can spot partners generating a disproportionate number of incidents. With this knowledge, you can work on eliminating the root cause of recurring issues.

The Power of a Crisis Management Platform

In a crisis, the right tools can make all the difference. Manual crisis management processes can slow down response times, hinder decision-making, and risk overlooking critical data. That’s where a crisis management platform like Crises Control can help. It streamlines your crisis response efforts, offering incident reports filled with hard factual data. This assures unbiased and accurate analysis. It aids in developing and executing recovery plans and preserves employee morale.


The pitfall of ignoring incident data is not immediately apparent, but its consequences can be far-reaching. Rapid incident resolution, while seemingly effective, can consume valuable time and effort, hindering long-term improvements. It’s the data within these incidents that holds the key to recognising systemic issues, areas for process improvement, and potential automation opportunities.

Don’t hesitate to request a live demo of Crises Control’s platform today. During this demo, we’ll tailor the experience to address any questions or concerns specific to your business. We are genuinely excited to get to know you better!