Crises Control launches new emergency notification solution

Crises Control launches new emergency notification solution

In the wake of the continued terrorist attacks in London Bridge, Manchester, Brussels, Paris, and many other places, Crises Control has launched a new Emergency Notification Solution. This will address the needs of security and safety professionals who have a duty of care to their employees, students, customers and other visitors to their business location or campus.

Following the recent UK attacks, we have been inundated with requests from customers who have been forced to consider how they would respond to events of the type we have tragically seen in Manchester and London over recent weeks.

In response to these requests for help, we have launched our new Emergency Notification Solution to meet the specific needs that customers have to notify, locate and assist employees, students, customers and others who might be affected by a critical event on or near to their premises.

The solution uses the same flexible communications and incident management engine as other Crises Control products, but can be used in very specific ways to assist during such a critical incident.

Notify – Crises Control will ensure that incident managers can reach everyone quickly and reliably with an emergency alert message by SMS, phone call and push notification.

Locate – The GPS tracking dashboard will inform incident managers where everyone who has responded to their alert is located and if they are in danger.

Assist – The mobile application will allow employees, students and others to tell incident managers that they need help and empower the response team to get help to them.

Crises Control offers multi-channel emergency communication by phone call, SMS message, push notification and even e-mail. So, whatever device your audience uses, desktop, laptop or mobile, they will not be able to ignore your urgent communication.

The Emergency Notification Solution can provide the reassurance that you need to deal with a critical or emergency event and keep people safe. It will also record the actions that you have taken to ensure their safety, so that these can be produced post-event for any review or inquiry.

If you have been impacted by recent events, or are worried that you might be affected in future, then contact us and we will tell you how our new solution can help you to feel reassured about your readiness to respond to a critical incident and keep those in your care safe from harm.