Crises Control business continuity platform listed on G-Cloud 9 with partner UKCloud

Crises Control and UK cloud listed on G-Cloud 9 framework

Crises Control, the mass notification, multi-channel, business continuity platform and crisis response solution has just been listed on the latest government Digital Marketplace through the G-Cloud 9 framework, making it available to all public sector organisations. This means that public sector organisations can save time and cost on their procurement process by relying on the terms of use agreed under the framework.

Crises Control is an innovative award winning cloud based EMNS app combined with a sophisticated business disruption incident management platform, delivered through a mobile application, with a number of unique features of direct relevance to the public sector market.

Our cloud hosting partners are UKCloud, providers of a public cloud for the exclusive use of UK Public Sector organisations. They are dedicated to helping their customers gain value from the agility and cost savings of using a sovereign, assured cloud platform.

UKCloud Enterprise Compute Cloud provides you with the trusted, connected and flexible Assured OFFICIAL cloud platform you need to deliver your critical enterprise applications in the cloud. The Crises Control platform can help you achieve the business goals at the centre of your strategy, without risking your operational ability to execute.

Rickie Sehgal, Chairman of Crises Control, said:

“I am delighted that Crises Control has been listed on the G-Cloud 9 framework. We have been listed on previous G-Cloud frameworks, and we have once again joined forces with UK Cloud Ltd to take advantage of their assured cloud services and provide the kind of information assurance needed by our public sector customers. Our award winning platform provides the kind of innovation that can help public sector customers meet their business continuity obligations whilst at the same time delivering value for money for the taxpayer.”

Simon Hansford, CEO UKCloud said:

“As a prominent supplier to the G-Cloud Framework and the UK Government’s Digital Marketplace, UKCloud has cemented its position as the leading UK public sector cloud specialist, with unique industry knowledge and expertise. Our highly secure, award winning UKCloud platform has driven unprecedented success, and our partners play a fundamental role in this. We will work together to transform public sector services that benefit all UK citizens and tax payers via G-Cloud 9.”

The Crises Control G-Cloud 9 offering includes the following features and benefits:

Service Features

Multi-channel communication to your mobile device
E-mail, SMS, telephone and push notifications
Telephone conference call bridge function
Secure cloud storage for your incident SOPs
Delivery of incident SOPs to mobile devices
Sophisticated task manager module
Automatic generation of audit trail
Automatic generation of response performance reporting
Incident SOP Wizard
24/7 helpdesk support

Service Benefits

Get notified instantly worldwide on any device
Receive incident alerts with supporting SOP
Track and trace your team with GPS location finder
Identify gaps in your organisations responsiveness
Develop your team into responsive people who are always prepared
Set responsiveness KPI for supply chain partners
Secure communication with incident specific stakeholders
Customised incident management processes
Engage the right people to respond

Notes to Editors

The G-Cloud framework is an agreement between the government and suppliers who provide cloud-based services. The basic terms of use are agreed by both parties following a formal Official Journal of the European Union procurement process. This saves public sector organisations and suppliers the time and cost traditionally associated with individual procurement contracts. Buyers and suppliers still need to sign a ‘call-off contract’ for each service procured through a framework.

Crises Control won the title of the Most innovative Product of the Year in the CIR Business Continuity Awards 2016. The Awards recognises business continuity, security, resilience and risk solutions whose innovative strategies and industry savvy make them stand out above the rest.

Crises Control is a rapidly growing provider with a global customer reach, including Europe, the USA, the Middle East, the Far East and Australia. It has customers in most industry sectors, including logistics, financial services, property, media, professional services and retail.

For further information contact Director of Marketing, Tim Morris on telephone 07788-395904 or