Digitally the Best! Crises Control Ranked Among Best Incident Management Software

Digitally the Best Incident Management Software 2021

We are delighted to announce that Crises Control has been chosen in the top picks for 2021. The team at have chosen Crises Control as their top picks for the Best Incident Management Software of 2021 in their most recent rankings. reviews and compares the best products, services, and software for running or growing a small business or startup. The platform collects twitter comments and uses sentiment analysis to score companies and their products and create their top picks.

Best Incident Management Software looks for specific features in their best incident management software, including real-time tracking, ticket management, workflow automation, and a rich alert and notification system. Crises Control was scored against these criteria as well as integration with customer support systems development platforms, project management tools, and more. 

All of these features and many more are included in the Crises Control platform. Crises Control’s incident management platform is designed to support organisations not just when in emergency conditions, but before and after a crisis, with an incident plan builder, and auditable reports which supply extensive information about every step of the emergency for organisations to use to learn the lessons for the next time.

Digitally the best!

Shalen Sehgal, Managing Director of Crises Control says:

We are delighted to have received yet more recognition of our hard work and dedication to providing high quality business continuity and mass communication services for organisations of all sizes, in all industries and sectors, all around the world.

At Crises Control we are constantly working to improve our offering, and ensure that our platform is available for our customers when they need it most, to help them manage an incident, and ultimately save time, money, reputation, and even lives of employees, stakeholders, or the public.

Well done team.